5. General health

We’ve already highlighted the necessity to avoid anything which might put a mother and her unborn child’s health at risk. Now let’s look at the specifics of that, and highlight how you’ll be able to avoid key threats.

Preventing Food Poisoning

This is easier said than done. While there are lots of (admittedly handy) top tips for steering clear of getting a dodgy tummy, it’s impossible to avoid every type of food which has the potential to cause harm. Be sensible with what you are and aren’t eating.

With that in mind, some snippets of advice include:

  • Avoiding any food which is underdone or looks like it might not be cooked properly. Even if you’re a fan of raw steak, it’s best not to risk it.
  • Steer clear of tap water in some countries – opt only for bottled
  • Don’t eat salad (this is often washed in tap water)
  • Poultry and eggs are also best avoided. There’s a low chance you’ll be served a contaminated batch, but is it even worth taking the risk? They could carry salmonella
  • Pâté and soft blue-veined cheese have been known to carry listeria. This is a particularly deadly strain of food poisoning for unborn babies

Source: NHS.uk

Staying Hydrated

Understandably, it’s important to maintain a regulated and consistent level of fluid in your system at all times. This is easier said than done, especially considering you’re now taking on nutrients for two people. Your desire to drink is going to increase, and you need to adapt to this accordingly.

It probably sounds simple to remember to drink more, but it’s something which can often be overlooked – especially when you’re preoccupied with holiday activities. Make it easy for yourself with these top tips:

  • Keep water near your bed in case you wake up thirsty – you can always drink the rest first thing in the morning
  • Carry a one litre bottle around with you and make sure to drink the full amount at least twice per day
  • Give your water some extra flavour by squeezing in fruit juice
  • Make sure to take morning sickness into account. If you can’t keep liquids down in the morning, you’ll need to replace them throughout the day

Source: aptaclub.co.uk

Staying Appropriately Active

We’ve already highlighted how to avoid exerting yourself, but what about making sure you’re keeping up an active lifestyle while off on your holiday? While theme park rides and adventure sports are out of the question, there are still active pastimes you can pursue.

So long as you carry them out in moderation, you’ll be able to get involved with any of the following forms of exercise:

Swimming – Swimming can be both good exercise and a pleasurable experience for women exhausted by carrying around their bump. The weightlessness of the water will alleviate some of the strain they’re used to experiencing. As well as this, moderate swimming is a fantastic anaerobic exercise.

Walking – Getting involved in yoga during pregnancy helps to build and maintain your muscle tone and flexibility. It can also help to improve your posture, and has minimal impact on your joints. If you’re a novice, only practice yoga during your travels if you’re guided by an instructor with experience teaching pregnant women.

Yoga – The impact of the sun (in careful doses) has had a proven benefit on our skin for decades – releasing Vitamin D . Assuming you’re headed somewhere likely to be a hotspot for sun, this should apply for you.

Running – It’s really only advised to take up running when pregnant if you’re already confident in the discipline. That said, if you are, you can find some time of a morning to head out before your day of activities begins.

Source: babycentre.co.uk

Just because you’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean you have no outlet to keep yourself fit. Stick to an exercise routine for as long as you feel comfortable. As ever, consult your doctor if you need additional help or support.