Holiday cancellation

No one books a holiday expecting to have to cancel at the last minute, but of course we never know what is waiting round the corner, do we?

There are many reasons why you may need to cancel your trip. A few examples are: you or a close relative fall ill and are unable to travel, you may be called up for jury service and are unable to be released from it, you are made redundant, or the Foreign Commonwealth Office advise against all travel to your holiday destination.

That is why it is always advisable to buy holiday cancellation insurance when you book your trip. It doesn’t matter if you are just renting a cottage in the Lake District, Cruising the Med, or jetting off to the USA, if you suddenly had to cancel your trip you would lose money.

Cancellation Stress

Holiday cancellation insurance will pay the costs of transport charges, loss of accommodation and additional travel expenses that you have paid or agreed to pay and that you cannot recover from any other source should you have to cancel your trip due to:

Holidaysafe cancellation cover starts as soon as you pay your premium

As well as cancellation protection all our policies provide:

We also have a range of cover options so that you can choose the level of cover you require to suit your budget.To find out more, and to check out our great prices, simply click on our Get a Quote button and then choose the type of policy you are looking for.

Ɨ Please note, Holidaysafe’s online price automatically includes a 15% online discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.