The World’s Oldest Backpacker

Almost everyone has dreamt about travelling the world, exploring distant lands and exotic cultures, however, very few actually take the leap to realise their dream. Many feel that once you reach a certain age, have a steady career and start a relationship or family, it is too late to travel.

On the other hand, Senior Citizen Keith Wright seems to be proving everyone wrong; at 95 years old he seems to be the World’s oldest backpacker. The Australian pensioner began his love affair with travelling aged 85 after his wife very sadly passed away, and to date, he has travelled to 23 countries and visited over 100 foreign cities.

Mr Wright plans a trip every 2 years, spending a year saving up for his travels, and then whilst away, stays in low-budget hotels and hostels, mingling with the more standard 20-year-old travellers. The next trip he is planning is a two-month tour of Europe.

Mr Wright is truly an inspiration and just goes to show that you are never too old to explore the world and broaden your horizons. If Mr Wright has inspired you and regenerated your travelling dreams, then why not take the bull by the horns and make your backpacking dreams come true.

Just remember that the trick to planning a successful Backpacking experience is to prepare for every eventuality. Even Mr Wright faced a holiday disaster when he left his backpack on a bus in Mexico. Invest in quality travel insurance before you travel, without it you leave yourself vulnerable to potentially sky-high bills if you lose your possessions or become ill abroad.

Visit Holidsaysafe for award-winning travel insurance to suit any holiday and budget, their Backpacker and Long Stay Travel Insurance is specifically designed for Backpackers.