Travelling as a Senior Singleton

As you get older it can leave us questioning, ‘am I too old for this? ’for so many different things in life. However, at Holidaysafe we know that age is just a number, and deep down you could feel like you’re still in your twenties.

Once you hit the fifties mark, often, that’s when the focus can switch back to you. Your children may be in their late teens and ready to fly the nest, or you may just want to take more ‘me-time’ (and start spending more of that hard-earned cash on yourself every now and then).

Some people, for whatever reason, may also find themselves single at this age. Does this mean you can’t have new adventures? Absolutely not. For some the idea of solo travel can be daunting, but why should you let your relationship status keep you from experiencing everything the world has to offer?

There are so many reasons for having a solo holiday – perhaps you’re after that little bit of independence, you want to travel to meet up with friends, or maybe you do have a partner but they aren’t enthusiastic about your dream destination so you’re going it alone. Whatever your reason, we want to be there to cover you and your trip, preventing you from financial loss. If you want to find out more and see what cover we can offer you then just click here.

Singles Exclusive Hotels

The solo holiday is nothing new, and in fact more and more people every year are taking the plunge and going away alone. This has resulted in hotels offering stays specifically for people travelling by themselves. It only takes a quick search into google to find there are a whole host of hotels available, in every destination you can imagine.

The plus side of these hotels is there’s no need to feel worried about being there alone. Whilst some people might not mind this, a fair share of us would and so these hotels are your safe haven to just relax and have fun. And guess what – you’re all in the same boat. Everyone there is travelling solo, all with different reasons, however the purpose of the trip is probably the same amongst the majority – to explore, have fun and relax.

Single Escorted Tours

Just because you’re travelling alone, doesn’t mean you might notwant some company whilst exploring the sites. That’s what escorted tours arethere for. They allow you to meet and make friends with fellow solo travellers,sharing memories with strangers that by the end of trip could become life-longfriends. You can often find a tour specific to a popular tourist site, or ones wherethe itinerary lasts the duration of the trip and takes you to new spots everyday.

If you are interested in this, but you don’t want to be stuck with a bunch of millennials, then just look out for guided tours for over fifties. There are plenty of them out there, so you’re bound to find one that suits you perfectly!

Single Cruises

Whether it’s an ocean or river cruise, this is a great option if you want a really laid-back holiday. There are some cruises that welcome only solo travellers and those where anyone and everyone can go. What is great about a cruise is the number of activities and types of entertainment available to you. It wouldn’t be uncommon to spend your time doing activities by yourself, even if you weren’t alone – that is the beauty of cruise. Everyone just wants to have fun and relax.

Another great aspect of cruises, is when you stop at different destinations there are often guided tours available. So, you can either go off exploring solo, or join a group of people, make some friends and discover the sites.

Safety advice for Solo Travel

If you are travelling alone its important to consider your safety,especially as it’s just you on this trip, so you need to be as responsible andaware as possible. Here are a few tips to bear in mind:

Wherever you want to visit, do not let the fact you’re travelling alone sway you from booking that trip. You can have so much fun as a solo traveller, making friends, seeing new places and making memories that’ll last a lifetime!

Ɨ Please note, Holidaysafe’s online price automatically includes a 15% online discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.