How to See the World Once Retired

For many Over 65s seeing the world is the number one aim of their retirement, but where do you start? Below we have created a quick guide on everything from saving money to bucket list inspiration, to help anyone planning an adventurous retirement.

Bucket List Inspiration

You probably already have an extensive list of countries to visit and places to see, but here are our top 10 (in no particular order);


Set a Budget

Before planning any trip it is really important to set a budget, and this is even more important if you’re planning more than a couple of trips per year. Is there somewhere really special you’re planning to visit? If so you may want to allocate some extra budget to really enjoy the trip in style. Budgeting is always difficult, so it’s a good idea to look at your finances, set a budget and then add an extra 20% in for any unforeseen costs.


Mix up your Plans

When planning your trips try to give yourself a mix of adventures, for example you may want to take a trip with friends to indulge your favourite past time (and leave your significant other at home), then take the grandkids away, as well as city and beach breaks with your spouse. This will ensure you get a fantastic collection of memories and experiences, plus you’ll look forward to each trip for different reasons.


Money Saving Tips

You no longer need to worry about only travelling during the school holidays, or making it back for work on Monday morning, which means you can save money by booking flights and holidays off-peak. Flights are usually much cheaper on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and especially during late morning or afternoon, so do plenty of research before you book to ensure you get the best rates.


Travel Insurance

As soon as you turned 65 or 66 you may have noticed that it became more difficult for you to obtain reasonably prices travel insurance. Unfortunately some insurers do inflate their prices when anyone enters this age bracket, so again it is important to shop around to find the best quote for you and your trip.

Top tip: if you’re planning more than two trips over the next 12 months a Multi Trip policy may be better value for you. Multi Trip policies will usually cover an unlimited number of trips in a 12 month period, as long as each trip is less than 31 days (double check this limit and the age limits to make sure it meets your needs).


Visit for more tips and advice plus affordable and award winning Over 65s Travel Insurance.

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