Top ten essential items to pack when you go on holiday

When you start packing for your travels, I am sure many of us have got to the point where you have packed everything bar the kitchen sink, and when you try and lift your suitcase you simply can’t!

Below are ten essential items that you need to pack for your trip:

1. Passport

As you cannot go anywhere without it! Also, make sure that you check the expiry date as many countries require you to have at least 6 months left.

2. Tickets

Without these, you will not get very far, although some airlines are now reaching a point where all they ask for is your booking reference!

3. Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance can cover you for circumstances such as cancellation, medical services and loss of possessions. Just remember that if you are taking part in an active holiday make sure you are covered for the particular activities, especially winter and water sports.

4. Currency

Organise your currency before you leave because some exchange rates at the airport are not as good as the rates that you may get from your travel agent or the post office.

5. Driving Licence

Another essential item if you are likely to hire a car or moped etc. you will need your photo ID and the green paper part of your licence.

6. Medicines

Make sure you pack all of your medications, the last thing you want is to be in a foreign country and not have the medication you require.

7. Sun Cream

Take a selection of different sun creams and SPF factors away with you and make sure that you don’t forget your aftersun!

8. Toiletries

Although you will be able to buy most items whilst you are away, you don’t want to forget your toothbrush and most things are probably cheaper here!

9. Mosquito Repellent

With malaria cases on the rise, it is essential you wear insect repellent to protect yourself from bites and of course Malaria. Also, check with your doctor before travelling to see if you require any vaccinations.

10. A Good Book

When you eventually arrive at your destination what better way to relax and start to unwind than a good book!

You can find out more about the cover that we offer by taking a look at our cover levels, our benefits of travel insurance or by getting a quote.

Ɨ Please note, Holidaysafe’s online price automatically includes a 15% online discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.