Couple sat on beach wearing Santa hats with wrapped golden Christmas presents behind them

Presents you can travel with!

Posted on December 04, 2017

Going away for Christmas?

We are very jealous! If you’re struggling to think of presents that will fit in your luggage, we’ve listed our favourite 2017 ideas below for you (you can thank us later!).

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Friends taking photo on ski slope with skis in ground next to them

A Guide to the Best ‘Late Snow’ Ski Resorts

Posted on October 17, 2016

If you’re planning a ski holiday later in the season (i.e. March-May,) you must book your resort carefully, to avoid being disappointed by a distinct lack of snow. The key things to consider are; altitude, northerly latitude and reputation for snow (both real and manmade). Read more

Family on winter sports ski holiday

Winter Sports with Children – How to Stay Safe

Posted on March 21, 2016

Kids take to a lot of things like ducks to water – particularly activities which require a bit of adrenaline and could be considered scary. Riding a bike, learning to swim, riding a skateboard – it’s the fearlessness of many children that mean they often pick up these skills faster than a first-time adult!

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Health Injury, Winter Slopes Skiing

Choosing Winter Holiday Insurance

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Any type of sport comes with a certain risk attached, whether that risk is damage to equipment or personal injury. Winter Sports are no different, and typically can cause a lot of injury, ranging from bruises and sprains to broken bones and head injuries, and worse.

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Waxing skis

How to Wax your Skis

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Waxing your skis is an important part of keeping them maintained and in good condition; the wax protects the bottom of the skis and lessens friction to allow best usage. Here are our top tips for waxing your skis;

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Two red and black skis standing in the snow with mountains in background

Packing your Skis for Transport

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Every year thousands of people get on airplanes and head off on ski holidays abroad. Skis are not allowed to be carried as hand luggage on an aircraft, so must be checked in as luggage. To make sure your skis arrive safely and are not damaged during the flight, here are our top tips for packing and travelling with skis.

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Woman working abroad in a bar

Working Winter Holidays

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If you want an adventure, to work abroad or to enhance your CV this winter season, then a working winter holiday could be perfect for you.

Every year the winter season creates hundreds of job opportunities around the world, as holidaymakers flock to popular destinations such as France, Switzerland and Canada. This extra influx of travellers need to be looked after, and this is where you come in.

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Person in ski boots and skis facing down slope

New Ski Kit

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  • Because you are going to be wearing them for most of the day, your boots should be comfortable, they must help you keep your leg and ankle fairly firm so that they work together when you want to move on the snow, but still allow your ankle some flexibility. Most importantly of all, your boots should hold your foot firmly in place.

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