Working Abroad

Working abroad is an amazing way to enhance your CV, experience different cultures, test a career path, or simply pay for the next plane ticket. Once you have decided what you want to get out of your experience, there are a wealth of projects and websites online dedicated to matching you with a job abroad.


It is important to remember that any travelling experience will come with certain drawbacks or down points which you need to be prepared for. You will at some point feel home sick, probably because of massive culture shock, and you need to accept this and move past it.

Working abroad can also present its own problems, you need to make enough time for yourself to relax and explore, don’t attempt to work every second to fill your time – to get everything you possibly can out of the experience you need to be able to tick everything off on your to do list.

On a final point, always make sure that your travel insurance covers you to work abroad. For more information check out the links below;

Ɨ Please note, Holidaysafe’s online price automatically includes a 15% online discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.