Wildlife Conservation

Posted on March 21, 2016

If you’re an animal lover, you have probably felt one of the following;

  • Wonderment when you see wild animals in their natural habitat
  • Outrage when you hear of cruelty to animals, and especially any threat to an endangered species.
  • In awe of charity projects who fight to protect wildlife all over the world.

Tiger cubs

If you’re passionate about wildlife and travelling, then a wildlife conservation project could be the perfect adventure for you this year.

Whether you are interested in marine conservation in Madagascar, protecting primates in Costa Rica or helping big cats in South Africa, there is a charity project to suit you. According to WWF there are only around;

  • 20,000 Polar Bears left in the wild
  • 7, 500 Sumatran Orangutans left in the world
  • 3,200 Tigers left in the world
  • 1, 600 Pandas left in the world
  • Less than 250 Vaquita left in the world
  • And most shockingly there are less than 30 Amur Leopards left

This is simply a short list, but there are so many endangered animals that are at risk of extinction or harm. Therefore any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated by the charities that are fighting to protect endangered or threated creatures.

You can research charity projects online which will normally plan the entire trip for you. Just make sure that you fully research the website, charity and country you are visiting, to make sure you get the correct vaccinations and travel insurance for working with animals.


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If you have a passion for travel, teaching or helping the less fortunate, then teaching abroad could be a perfect adventure for you.

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Community Projects

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If you want to truly immerse yourself in a culture abroad, or if you are interested in helping a specific community, then a Community Volunteering Project will be perfect for you.

A community project is the best way to learn about a certain culture whilst you live and work there. By working with these people you will be helping the less fortunate and making sure their way of life survives and thrives.

There are hundreds of communities in need of volunteers, whether you want to work in hospital clinics in Africa or teach children in Brazil, your help will be priceless to these communities. In turn they will reward you by accepting you into their community and educating you on their way of life.

Once you have worked on a community volunteering project, the people, country and project will remain close to your heart forever. You are guaranteed to have an amazing but sobering experience.

Volunteering Checklist;

  • Vaccinations – if you’re planning to work within a community, especially in poorer countries or areas, you need to make sure you’ve had certain vaccinations and have taken preventative medicines. For example, if you’re planning to work in a hospital or clinic, your GP will probably recommend that you have certain jabs to give you extra protection.
  • Travel Insurance – make sure you have quality travel insurance, that will cover you for all of your volunteering activities. Without travel insurance you leave yourself vulnerable to potentially huge bills if you face a holiday disaster.
  • Backpack – you need to ensure that you bring the right things, and the right amount of things, with you for your stay. For example, a first aid kit is always advisable, and especially if you are helping a community that is far away from any towns or hospitals. Furthermore, a community such as this might not have electricity for you to power your phone, so invest in a solar charging pack if this is important to you.
  • Fundraise – when your adventure is booked, why not fundraise at university or work? Any funds, clothes, toys and toiletries people can donate will be put to great use by your community, so get campaigning!
  • Health – remember to look after yourself as well as your new community. Don’t forget to wear sun protection, drink plenty of fluids, and take plenty of rest in the shade if you’re working in a hot climate. Make sure you continue to take any preventative or prescribed medication regularly, and seek medical attention immediately if you feel it is necessary.


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Most Backpacker and Longstay travellers plan their adventures around chances to experience other cultures and ways of life, and unsurprisingly many find themselves seeking work within local communities, either for experience or money.

Volunteering farm work

WWOOFing or ‘World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms’, is basically an exchange programme where people who are interested in agriculture or nature can travel abroad and volunteer for a farm or small holding. In return for hard work, the WWOOF hosts provide food, lodgings and of course the opportunity to learn.

When you start your WWOOFing adventure, you will travel to live with your hosts for a period of time decided by you both, for example you could stop by for three days during a backpacking trip, or you could stay for six months. On average, people usually decide to stay for a couple of weeks, during which time you will be expected to join in with the activities of the host, working around 6 hours a day to pay for your lodgings.

WWOOF programmes are now available throughout the world, and are a great way to travel, learn about a specific culture, and different approaches to agriculture. You could work on a vineyard in France, or harvest mangoes in Bangladesh – the world is your oyster!

The range of activities and jobs available is astounding; you could potentially find yourself…

  • Cutting wood
  • Feeding animals
  • Fencing
  • Gardening
  • Making bread
  • Making cheese
  • Making compost
  • Making mud bricks
  • Making wine
  • Planting
  • Sowing seeds
  • Weeding

Imagine adding those to your CV! The first step is to decide where you want to travel, and what activity you want to participate in or learn more about.

For more information about how to apply for a specific activity, farm or destination, visit WWOOFInternational.org.


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Volunteering in another country is an amazing experience. Not only will you be offering genuine help to a less fortunate community, you will also meet some wonderful people, have the opportunity to travel and gain priceless life and CV experience. Read more


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Participating in an internship abroad can be an amazing way to travel, add to your CV, gain experience and make sure you stand out in any job interview.


Many graduates are turning to this option to gain experience the UK job market just isn’t offering at the moment. Working abroad is a great way to explore a career path, to gain experience in how other countries and cultures operate, and most importantly an opportunity to learn.

Internships are usually a humbling experience where you truly learn whether a certain career path is for you, if not you can simply walk away and try something else. Doing this abroad also gives you the chance to travel somewhere different and truly step outside your comfort zone.

Not only will you gain a wealth of experience but it will also impress in any job interview, because it becomes so much more than a bullet point on your CV, it is a great talking point and portrays bravery, experience and passion.

Decide on the career path you want to explore and then research the type of internships available, you could travel to Europe or further afield, it completely depends on what is available and how adventurous you are feeling.

Working Abroad

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Working abroad is an amazing way to enhance your CV, experience different cultures, test a career path, or simply pay for the next plane ticket. Once you have decided what you want to get out of your experience, there are a wealth of projects and websites online dedicated to matching you with a job abroad.


  • Volunteering for a charity project – this can be an amazing way to give something back to a less fortunate community, plus it will really set you apart on any CV or job application. There are worthy charity project throughout the world, you just need decide which is closest to your heart or the most interesting, for example you could help with wildlife conservation, help the homeless or build schools.
  • Teaching – teaching abroad is great for anyone who is thinking about becoming a teacher, is good at languages or enjoys a different culture. As a teacher working abroad you will be thrown head first into a different culture, it is a great way to teach as you learn, master the language and give something back. You could teach English or even coach a sports team.
  • Working abroad/Internships – again this is a great way to ‘test the water’ of a chosen career path, or to add to your CV. More and more graduates are turning to this option because of the UK job market. If the company has a UK office you could even ask for a transfer if you decide to go home.

It is important to remember that any travelling experience will come with certain drawbacks or down points which you need to be prepared for. You will at some point feel home sick, probably because of massive culture shock, and you need to accept this and move past it.

Working abroad can also present its own problems, you need to make enough time for yourself to relax and explore, don’t attempt to work every second to fill your time – to get everything you possibly can out of the experience you need to be able to tick everything off on your to do list.

On a final point, always make sure that your travel insurance covers you to work abroad. For more information check out the links below;

Vaccinations Guide

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When planning a trip abroad, it is important that you research the destination you are intending to visit, to check whether you need vaccinations or preventative medicines before you travel.

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Australia is an extremely popular destination with backpacker and longstay travellers alike, however journeys like this are expensive, and it is important that you save your money for the things you really want to do, rather than wasting it on expensive medical bills.


If you’re travelling to Australia, it is important that you enrol in their Medicare programme, just in case you need medical attention abroad. To help anyone planning a trip to Australia, please see our frequently asked Medicare questions below;

What is Medicare, and why do I need it?

With Medicare you receive a personalised card which gets you discounted or free public health care and medicines in state Australian hospitals – hence why it is so important. It should ensure that you receive medical treatment similar to the NHS in the UK; however you may still need to pay towards some medications and treatments. If you do need medical treatment during your time in Australia, always head for a state clinic or hospital, to avoid paying fees at private hospitals.

Who is eligible for Medicare?

Australia has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with several countries around the world, including the UK, which means that any Brits travelling to Australia can apply for Medicare and receive essential medical treatments.

Why do I need travel insurance if I have Medicare?

It is important to remember that, just like the EHIC was, Medicare is not meant to be a replacement for travel insurance. Medicare is there to make sure you receive the medical treatment you need in state facilities, without having to pay extortionate fees. However, Medicare will not be able to assist if your baggage is damaged or stolen, or if you need to be repatriated to the UK. You must invest in quality travel insurance to make sure you are fully covered in Australia.

I take medication, should I just fill my prescriptions in Australia?

We would always suggest that you take a good supply of your prescription medication abroad with you, just to make sure you have enough for your time away, and in case you cannot obtain your medication in your destination.

However, it is important to remember that Australia has strict customs regulations about what can and can’t be brought into the country, and some prescription medications are on this list. Always check customs regulations, as well as local laws before you travel, just to make sure you don’t face any issues before your holiday has even begun!

How can I get a Medicare card?

To enrol in Medicare you will need your passport and a valid visa. You can apply by visiting Humanservices.gov.au and downloading an enrolment form. Alternatively, you can apply by visiting a Medicare office (there are hundreds all over Australia) up to 10 days after you arrive, to register for the programme.

With backpacker/longstay cover starting from as little as 36p per day, why not get a quote now? Additionally, you can find out more about the cover that we offer by taking a look at our cover levels and benefits of travel insurance.

Top Money Saving Tips for Backpackers

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Planning a gap year or backpacking adventure can become expensive, so it is important that you settle on a realistic budget and get all your money matters organised before you depart.


Here are our top tips to save travellers money;

  • Before you leave, shop around! You need to be a savvy consumer, use the internet, high street or travel agents to shop around for the best value flights, accommodation, currency exchange rates, travel insurance, gear and essentials. You might save a lot of money, or you may only save pennies, but every little helps and it quickly adds up to a decent saving.
  • Make sure you have a decent amount of spending money; you should split this between pre-paid cards or travellers cheques and cash. Do not carry tons of cash around with you, what will you do if all your money is stolen or lost? Pre-paid cards, on the other hand, can be immediately cancelled if lost. Also be careful how often you withdraw money abroad, as this can generate massive charges.
  • Look at exchange rates before you leave. It is easy to go to another country and have no idea whether something is cheap or expensive, but if you understand the value compared to the pound you are more likely to be a smart spender abroad.
  • Don’t be afraid to haggle, if you don’t ask you don’t get! Some companies are willing to give you small discounts, but only if you ask, there is always something they can do to give you a better price – the worst they can do is say no!
  • Research sales, discount codes and see if there are any discount cards you can invest in, for example international student cards or rail cards will get you discounts worldwide.
  • Research and plan a realistic budget; if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, then you need to visit less expensive countries. Places like Ibiza are always going to be a lot more expensive than a country like Thailand.
  • Watch your spending abroad. In some countries, like Thailand, the British pound stretches a very long way, so you may be tempted to splurge on luxuries, but just remember that the bills will soon mount up.
  • You can save money by shopping at markets and supermarkets and cooking your own food, instead of going out. Try not to splurge on luxuries; if you can live without something then it is not necessary. Save your money for the things you really want to do, for example day trips, activities and the occasional night out.
  • Travelling in groups rather than individually may get you more discounts, look out for group discounts and split all bills.
  • Make sure you have all the correct paperwork and that you have invested in quality travel insurance. Without the correct paper work (i.e. valid passport, visa etc.) you may be refused entry to the country. Travel insurance will protect you against massive bills if you need medical treatment abroad, or if your vital possessions or travel documents become lost or damaged. By being organised and making sure you have the correct paper work in place before you travel, you might save yourself a small fortune.